Aims and Targets of the Göhde Foundation
The aim of the Göhde Foundation laid down in its constitution is:
- the support of development cooperation, welfare and public healthcare (since 2012)
- the support of the arts and culture and the support of education (since 2017)
The charitable Göhde Foundation has been declared as legally responsible on 21st December 2012 by Bezirksregierung Münster, Dezernat 21 – Stiftungsbehörde -, Domplatz 1-3, 48143 Münster.
The foundation’s work consists of two main activity pillars which are described below.
Göhde Foundation: Music
By resolution of the founders, the board of directors and the board of trustees, the foundation’s aim in 2017 have been expanded by:
- talent support of gifted young musicians, especially in context to soloist and concert careers
- granting of advancement awards and scholarships
- support of educative music projects with a focus on integrative and holistic approaches for children, adolescents and young adults
Göhde Foundation: Africa
The other pillar of activities and projects established end of 2012 and realized by the Göhde Foundation includes establishing secure water supply, contributing to basic healthcare and supporting education in resource-limited or remote settings in Africa. For more information, please visit our dedicated website “Göhde Foundation: Africa”